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Are You Eligible for Drug Court?

Michael Cohen • October 26, 2021

Drug court is a type of special treatment court that handle cases involving drug-dependent offenders. The programs are very rigorous and require close supervision by relevant professionals and regular appearances before a judge. Program participants are likewise subject to random, regular drug testing and given long-term drug treatment and recovery assistance. Successful participants will graduate upon completion of the program. Completion involves compliance with all the required probation conditions and specific court orders.


Eligibility Requirements for Drug Court


Different counties in Wisconsin have different eligibility criteria, with the following being the most common requirements for admittance to drug court:


·        18 years old or older.

·        Be a resident in the specific county for at least six months.

·        Must not be convicted of a felony that involved the use or threat of force against another individual with the intention of causing serious                 bodily harm or death.

·        Agrees voluntarily to the drug court obligations and rules.

·        Have a substance dependence or abuse diagnosis and demonstrate a willingness to comply with the program.

·        Must sign all the required releases and contracts.

·        Must be sufficiently mentally stable to help ensure their compliance and success with the program.

·        Must meet the Wisconsin Legislature's definition of "competency."

·        Must not have been involved or linked to high-level drug trafficking.


Results of Compliance and Noncompliance with Drug Court Programs


Responses to noncompliance and compliance with drug court programs will be explained verbally and given in writing to all eligible participants before starting the program.


The responses and rewards for compliance could include the following:


·        Tokens and ceremonies of progress, which includes the participant advancing to the next phase of the treatment program

·        Praise and encouragement from the bench

·        Reduced frequency of appearances before a judge

·        Reduced supervision

·        Reduced fees or fines

·        Suspended or reduced incarceration

·        Reduced probation term or dismissal of the criminal charges

·        Graduation


On the other hand, sanctions or responses for non-compliance could include the following:


·        Admonishment and warnings from the bench during open court

·        Getting demoted to an earlier treatment phase

·        Jury box or courtroom confinement

·        Increased frequency of court appearances and drug testing

·        Fines

·        Increased treatment and/or monitoring intensity

·        Required work programs and/or community service

·        Increased jail confinement periods (but will still receive treatment during confinement)

·        Regular court processing will be reinstated, and the participant will be terminated from the drug court program


It’s also vital to note that admission to drug court is not a right but a privilege. If you have been charged with a drug crime and you are eligible for drug court instead of traditional court processing, having help from a drug defense attorney with experience in handling cases similar to yours and dealing with drug court could significantly increase your chances of securing a fair outcome for your case. 


Learn How a Drug Defense Attorney Can Help

If you’ve been charged with a drug crime, call Cohen Law Offices at 715-514-5051 for legal advice. You can discuss your case with our drug defense attorneys to determine the best legal recourse for your specific case. 

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