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OWI or DUI Attorney for Eau Claire, WI

Driving Under the Influence — Eau Claire, WI — Cohen Law Offices, LLC

An OWI isn't the end of the world. The experienced team at Cohen Law Offices gives you the best legal options available after you've been picked up for operating while intoxicated. Between our skilled attorneys and airtight legal defenses, we make sure you have the best representation possible. Call us if you need an experienced OWI or DUI attorney.

  • Suppressing evidence: While police officers usually have good intentions, they sometimes don't follow all necessary procedures. If you were pulled over for an invalid reason or given a PBT without probable cause, the evidence isn't valid in court.
  • Challenging terms: DUI charges are founded on the claim that the driver was "under the influence," but that can be a difficult thing to prove without a concrete blood alcohol reading. We work to show you were capable of safe driving.
  • Dismissing motions: If your case doesn't have a solid claim or complaint, it can be dismissed entirely.

Cohen Law Offices looks at each DUI case to find the defense that will give you the best chance for release.

Why Are We Your Best Choice?

Our team of adept lawyers is committed to fighting for you every step of the way. We have over 30 years of experience defending people, and we have seen almost every case imaginable. As one of the most experienced law firms in the area, we also have the best track record for winning cases. If you choose an OWI or DUI lawyer from our team, you will be in good hands.

Call us today at 715-514-5051 for legal representation you can trust.

A man in a car is holding a breathalyzer in his hand
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