Cohen Law Offices

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Attorney At Law Court — Eau Claire, WI — Cohen Law Offices, LLC


A probation violation can take on many forms, including failing to appear in court, being arrested for another crime, failing to report to a probation officer, being caught in possession or under the influence of drugs, and/or not paying court-ordered fines or restitution. 

In the event that you should be accused of violating your probation, you may face a number of consequences. Minor offenses may bring nothing more than a warning from your probation officer, while more serious offenses can cause you to be forced to appear in court for a formal probation violation hearing.


An individual can have his or her probation revoked if the court finds that he or she willfully violated its terms. When an individual is accused of a violation, they may be required to appear in court for a probation violation hearing. If found guilty, he or she may face penalties that include fines, community service, mandatory alcohol or drug rehabilitation, an increased probationary period, counseling, and/or revocation of probation or new criminal charges. 

If you have found yourself with a violation of your probation, it is urgent you get in touch with a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible to minimize your chances of serving serious consequences. With 60 years of experience call the attorney’s at Cohen Law Offices at 715-514-5051 to set up a consultation.

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