Weekend Appointments Available
Returning Calls 7 Days A Week
Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s emotional reaction; further, it’s the ability to not only understand another response but also anticipate it.
As criminal defense lawyers, one might wonder how we can defend a guilty person. The surface answer is: It’s our justice system. One is presumed innocent until found guilty. What does guilty mean? What is the proper punishment?
When leaders and managers, and in our case lawyers, listen using empathy, they listen to more than just the conversation; they are listening to understand what the person is thinking or feeling without preconceived decisions or expected outcomes.
When people feel valued, they feel safe and feel like they matter, giving them the freedom to be themselves. We care about the people we defend. We listen. Most importantly, we care about the result, and we care about the client experience.
Seeing the world through the eyes of clients can help lawyers and their law firms provide a level of service that is likely to stand apart from their competitors and this is what our law firm strives for. We set up our defense process to consider the difficulties our clients, and our clients’ families, are going through. We believe good people should get a second chance in life, and we believe one bad incident should not define your whole life.
Be certain that if we accept your case, we will practice empathy, and have compassion for you as we defend you to the best of our ability. Call Cohen Law Offices at 715-514-5051 for a free consultation.
At Cohen Law Office, we offer free initial consultations to discuss your case further and find the right solution for you. Our team provides the best representation to each client we work with and present the strongest possible defense. Give us a call today to start your resolution in your criminal defense case.
Weekend Appointments Available
Returning Calls 7 Days A Week
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