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Admin • June 20, 2018
Facing a DWI Without Denial — Eau Claire, WI — Cohen Law Offices
If you are facing a criminal charge for driving while impaired (DWI), you need to take the situation seriously. There is a tendency to rationalize the event as an isolated mistake in good judgment. You might assume it will never happen again.

It might be a one-time mistake. However, it could also be a serious problem that could devastate your life. Here is why you should avoid assessing yourself, and why such a mistake could lead you down a path full of bad consequences.


When you have been charged with operating a motor vehicle under the influence, the first inclination might be to deny the existence of a drug or alcohol problem. Often, people mistakenly assume that if they admit to having a problem they are somehow inferior. Because of this error in thinking, denial can be the most difficult barrier of all.

If you try to rationalize or minimize the seriousness of your DWI charge, you face a potentially harsh reality. When you deny the existence of a problem, you run the risk of repeating the behavior. In this instance, you run the risk of another DWI charge.

Because the consequences increase with each DWI arrest, you shouldn't make this important determination yourself. Seek the advice of a trained professional because you might be in denial without realizing it.


A DWI conviction carries a minimum period of incarceration and a huge spike in the cost of your insurance. Eventually the courts can even suspend your right to drive for the rest of your life if you have repeated convictions. The consequences of a DWI offense will be life changing.

You can even receive stiffer penalties if you are charged with a drug or alcohol related crime that does not involve operating a motor vehicle. If there is even a chance you have a drug or alcohol problem, you need to know for sure as soon as possible so you can address the problem.

Seeking the advice of a trained professional is the first step you must take. Your attorney can guide you to the right professional. If it is determined you might have a problem, you need to consider treatment.


If you allow yourself to be honest and are willing to go to any lengths to uncover the truth, you will discover if you have a problem. Even if the slightest doubt exits, you should consider a drug and alcohol treatment program.

You may not have a problem, and this truly was an isolated incident of poor judgment. However, taking the initiative to complete treatment will look good in the eyes of the court. The most important reason for considering treatment is to uncover the severity of a problem.

Treatment will give you a chance to look at yourself, uncovering problems that may lead to a tendency for drug and alcohol abuse. Most of all, you will prove that you do not deny the possibility there is an issue and you are seeking professional guidance to be certain.

Facing a DWI is not an enjoyable experience. If you do not have an attorney representing you, hire one immediately. Do not wait. They can help counsel you on where to seek advice, and how to get help when it is determined you have a problem. Repeating the same mistake will prove even more painful.

Do not try to decide if you have a drug or alcohol problem yourself. You can openly discuss the steps you need to take with an expert DWI attorney. Then, strongly consider a treatment program. It will help your pending DWI case, and may ultimately save your life. 

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