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Drunk driving charges can significantly impact your ability to live your day-to-day life, as restrictions on driving can have far-reaching effects. Before going to court or making pretrial statements concerning your drunk driving charge, it is important that you speak with an OWI lawyer who understands the process. It is also important to talk to an attorney who understands the burdens of proof that the government must prove prior to you being convicted. While an OWI charge can seem very intimidating, the fact of the matter is, they can be challenged.
Many individuals know about the drunk driving tests that are performed due to presentations in their high schools or during their drivers' education programs. The tests might include walking in a straight line for a certain number of steps, performing single-leg balance tests, and others. The purpose of these tests, according to law enforcement, is to determine whether or not they believe you are drunk. The fact of the matter is these tests are actually designed to help officers gather evidence in support of their belief that the person performing them is drunk. Often times, people are also nervous. The tests are often performed on the side of the road, which may contain an imperfect surface. Finally, law enforcement have performed the tests many times while most driver’s facing an OWI charge are performing them for the first time.
Experienced OWI attorneys know what to look for when reviewing the officer's bodycam and cruiser footage to determine if their field sobriety test was done correctly or not.
Many people have heard of a "breathalyzer," which has many different manufacturers and brand names that are in use in the many police departments across our country. The machine functions essentially by measuring the amount of alcohol content that is on your breath and has varying levels of accuracy depending on the manufacturer. An OWI attorney who has worked in your area for years has processed hundreds of cases that incorporated some form of the breathalyzer and knew the error margins of the machine. OWI testing machines are not perfect, and each manufacturer has a set margin of error and also set maintenance schedules that must be followed to maintain the accuracy of the device.
OWI attorneys know what to look for in determining the validity of tests that have been used in support of your OWI charge. Challenging the technology used may be as simple as knowing the recommended maintenance schedule and knowing how to make the police produce the actual maintenance records. An OWI lawyer knows how to do this for you.
If you have been accused of drunk driving, call Cohen Law Offices today at (715) 514-5051 or contact us online. We have the experience and skill required to protect your rights and resolve your case as favorably as possible.
At Cohen Law Office, we offer free initial consultations to discuss your case further and find the right solution for you. Our team provides the best representation to each client we work with and present the strongest possible defense. Give us a call today to start your resolution in your criminal defense case.
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